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Iulia Octavia

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Hello there! It seems you have caught me at an awkward place, for I haven't set up this button yet.Making a website is hard and there is so much to do, but I am getting to it so don't worry.I ask that you stick around and check back later. However, if the matter is pressing, please feel free to contact me below regarding the piece you were interested in.Until then, thank you for your patience with my construction!


Duality, 2019
Oil on canvas
40 in. x 32 in.

The Fool, 2020
Acrylic on toned canvas
12 in. x 9 in.

Frogman, 2020
Acrylic on canvas
12 in. x 9 in.
Private collection


Dead Minotaur, 2020
White charcoal pencil, leather on black paper
18 in. x 24 in.

Skull and Daggers, 2019
Lithograph, ink on paper
11 in. x 14 in.

Sun Ray Insomnia, 2020
Screenprint, ink, white ink
Monotype #5
7 in. x 7 in.

Moss Bodies

Much like the surroundings, it echoes a memory of humanity in a now abandoned place, waiting for time and the elements to chip away slowly at its form. In time, the figures will become part of the surrounding debris, having been experienced by explorers in various stages of their existence and interacted with in whatever way they see fit.

38.026728° N , -117.883653° W, Feb. 2024
Coaldale, Nevada
Bio person, burlap, dehydrated moss, pinecones, palm fronds, tree bark, artist's boots

34.94857° N, 116.68442° W, Sept. 2023
Lake Dolores Waterpark, California
Trash person, dehydrated moss,
arm chair, reclaimed fabric from family's furniture

35.11321° N, 111.09202° W, June 2023
Two Guns, Arizona
Bio person, burlap, flowers, dehydrated moss, pinecones, palm fronds, tree bark
Private collection

35.16110° N, 111.27925° W, June 2023
Twin Arrows, Arizona
Trash person, tree bark,
dehydrated moss, letter

34.94818° N, 116.68449° W, March 2023
Lake Dolores Waterpark, California
Trash person, dehydrated moss,
tree bark, melted styrofoam,
dried flowers, hardboard
Private collection

Nestled in one of the dilapidated buildings of the Lake Dolores Waterpark, the mossy figure lies peacefully in a bed of growth and flowers. Amongst the rubble and debris, leftover spray paint cans and signs of human touch long since forgotten, it rests with its head looking up at an opening in the roof, watching the sunset every evening.

Calusari, 2022
Weathered pallet wood, tree branches, termites, coffee grounds, wooden fur masks, dehydrated moss, trash person
Dimensions variable
Figure: 77 in. x 21 in. x 27 in.
Private collection

Towering over the viewer, this larger than life figure solemnly stands surrounded by an artificial forest of its own design. Hanging from the branches are Calusari masks, calling back to a pagan winter tradition in Romania where the streets are overtaken by a parade of monsters and animals to scare off the evil and bring about abundance and prosperity for the warmer seasons.

The figure, overgrown with moss, holds a MacGyvered woodworking tool and an unfinished mask, pulled from a pile of works in progress at its feet. Culturally, the masks and the war dance they are worn during are only allowed to be made and perfomed respectively by men.

Through exclusion and disconnection, the piece serves as a self-portrait of someone desperately trying to carve a space within their own heritage.



Lilith, 2024
Cast and welded aluminum
8 in. x 8 in. x 5 in.

Lilith is a reconception of the Garden of Eden and the first temptation of humanity. Lilith and Adam were both created from the same clay at the same time, but parted when Lilith refused to live subserviently to her equal, Adam. In response, God created Eve as a partner to Adam, this time from Adam's rib. Yet, Eve was later tempted by a serpent to gain wisdom apart from God.

Lilith proposes the possibility that the serpent, commonly believed to be Satan, could have been the fugitive Lilith, imparting the same wisdom that allowed her to break from the bounds of servitude onto Eve, another woman fated to be lesser than Adam. Lilith being created of cast and welded industrial aluminum calls to the coldness and evil projected onto her. In Lilith, a woman’s spine is the allegory for the objectification of the feminine form, stripped of the vulnerability for what she is commonly objectified by. Her objectification borders on the uncanny and inhuman; Lilith twists, the Atlas vertebra and the viewer are suspended in each other’s gaze.

Idly By, 2023
Cast aluminum, fishbone chain, tree root
Dimensions variable
Private collection

La Mijloc

La Mijloc, 2020
Rhyolite, Nevada
Welded steel, sandless grout
36 in. x 24 in. x 24 in.
Goldwell Open Air Museum, 2021

A near life-size replica of a mining cart that is famously suspended in an underground salt lake within the Cacica Salt Mine in Suceava, Romania. The work symbolizes a piece of the history and heritage of my family, who originate from that area, brought into another historic mining town in the region where I live currently.

A Binding Oath: The Punk-y Promise, 2020
Cast aluminum, wood, steel chain
21 in. x 11 in. x 3 in.

The yubikiri genman or, the pinky swear, represents a promise or deal made between two individuals at the exchange of vulnerability, as one could break the pinky of the other if this promise is broken. From this sideways position, the stakes and risk of harm are much lower, indicating that the promise is being made without threat and out of an act of loyalty rather than self-preservation.

A Binding Oath: The Punk-y Promise (1)

Guardian, 2019
Welded steel rod, black and white fabric, inscription burned on leather
28 in. x 26 in. x 36 in.

The piece was created as a memorial for the late UNLV professor, Roxy Montoya, who served as a beloved friend and mentor.

Trophy Hunting, 2020
Cast aluminum, wood
11 in. x 14 in.

Skull Pile No. 1, 2022
Cast aluminum
7 in. x 6.5 in. x 5.5 in.


Sicriu, 2021
Weathered pallet wood, Douglas Fir, coffee grounds, mixed media
58 in. x 25 in. x 20 in.

This piece is functional coffee table, fit with a tempered glass top and made from weathered palette wood, resembling a historic coffin. Within this funerary box, there is a corpse packed tightly and uncomfortably in dirt as if the lid caved in from the weight of the earth. Moss and vinery is now growing from this “living corpse” as it is slowly being reclaimed by nature.

The weathered coffin and decomposing form is reminiscent of the first recorded natural burials often practiced in Medieval times. The “dirt” is a mixture of dried and fresh coffee grounds to prevent any insects or bacteria to live inside the table yet still maintain its earthy qualities.

About me

Iulia Filipov-Serediuc is an interdisciplinary artist confronting the ideas of mortality, morality, and notions of tradition. Stemming from a rich history of antiquated beliefs, Filipov-Serediuc inquires if 'things really happened that way'. Using elements from mythology, folklore, and religious ideology, she explores the ephemeral nature of existence through a fantastical lens.Her practice is informed by her Romanian heritage, the visual language and aesthetics of the Old World, and sheer stubbornness. The usage of discarded and alternative materials is a staple within her work, questioning the wastefulness of the modern man and what that squandering will create in the future. Her recent body of work poses the possibility of divinity being found within the experience of the average person. Through a combined practice of foundry, sculpture, and illustration, the imagery she creates contributes to a convoluted world of challenging perspectives and hot takes.Working between foundry, moss, painting, illustration, and the discarded, Filipov-Serediuc investigates the boundaries of form and time. Filipov-Serediuc enjoys building within her community, most proudly as a co-founder of the Desert Biennial Project and My Boyfriend Is Out of Town. Her work has been shown in Nevada, California, New Mexico, Arizona, and New York.Filipov-Serediuc graduated with her BFA in studio art and is currently pursuing an MFA from the University of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Curriculum Vitae


Master of Fine Arts
University of Las Vegas, Nevada

May 2027

Bachelor of Fine Arts
University of Las Vegas, Nevada

May 2022

Associate of Arts
Western Nevada College

May 2017

Professional Experience

Marjorie Barrick Museum
Contract Gallery Installer / Art Handler

March 2024 - Present

Brett King Design LLC
Contracted Fabricator

August 2023 - November 2023

Contract Fabricator

January 2023 - Present

Gallery Installer / Art Handler

August 2021 - Present

Studio Assistant

May 2021 - Present


January 2021 - Present

Studio Manager

January 2021 - May 2024

Graphic Designer

April 2015 - January 2023


Selected Group:

Queer Monuments
Winchester Dondero Cultural Center
Las Vegas, NV


Behind the Mask: The Art of Women Welders II
Wagner College
Staten Island, NY


Contemporary Roots: New and Old Traditions
SITE SANTE FE and Santa Fe Community College
Santa Fe, NM


The Outside Top
Screaming Demon Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Behind the Mask: The Art of Women Welders
Culture Lab LIC
Long Island City, NY


Cupid's Curse II
Nevada Fine Arts Gallery
Reno, NV


Stone Soup
Desert Biennial Project
Jean Roach Dry Lakebed, NV


This Is How We Do It
UNLV Alta Ham Loft Space
Las Vegas, NV


Raggedy Stan's Playpen
UNLV Grant Hall Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


UNLV Grant Hall Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Featured Guest
Saturation Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


City Hall Grand Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


OUT of This World!
Core Contemporary
Las Vegas, NV


BFA Thesis Exhibition
Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Losing My...
Vegas Institute for Contemporary Engagement (online)
Las Vegas, NV


Thoughtfully Myself
UNLV Student Union Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Asbestos Exposure - BFA Midway Exhibition
UNLV Grant Hall Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Back At It
UNLV Student Union Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Artist Funk
Saturation Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


In Depth Exhibition
UNLV Student Union Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Annual Juried Student Exhibition
Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery (online)
Las Vegas, NV


Mining Our Landscape
Goldwell Open Air Museum (Red Barn Center)
Rhyolite, NV


New Monuments for a Future Las Vegas
Nevada Humanities
Las Vegas, NV


Memories Fade
UNLV Grant Hall Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Annual Juried Student Exhibition
Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Seeing With Paint
UNLV Student Union Gallery
Las Vegas, NV


Curatorial & Artist Talks


Stone Soup
Desert Biennial Project
Jean Roach Dry Lake Bed, NV


Artist Talks:

BFA Thesis Exhibition
Marjorie Barrick Museum
Las Vegas, NV


Religion and the Arts
American Academy of Religion
Annual Meeting 2022
Virtual Conference



Art Walk
Aluminati x UNLV
Las Vegas, NV


Ana Mendieta
Aluminati x Marjorie Barrick Museum
Las Vegas, NV


Art Walk
Aluminati x UNLV
Las Vegas, NV


Molybdomancy – Live Tin Pouring Demo
Las Vegas, NV


Bird Houses Workshop
Trinity United Methodist Church
Las Vegas, NV


Painting and Crafts Workshop
North Las Vegas Care Center
Las Vegas, NV


Permanent Collections

Idly By, 2023Private Collection


Seat of the Witching Hour, 2022Private Collection


La Mijloc, 2020Collection of Goldwell Open Air Museum


Publications, Print, & FIlm

Digital Publications:

"Behind the Mask: Women Welders at the Culture Lab LIC"
by Art Spiel
Art Spiel


"Behind the Mask: The Art of Women Who Weld” at Culture Lab LIC Illustrates How Women Are Changing Welding"
by Courtney Lester
International Sculpture Center


"Aluminati: Rekindling a Forgotten Future of Foundry"
by Emily Budd
Couch In The Desert


"In Depth: an Exhibition of Works in Relief"
by D.K. Sole
Couch In The Desert